Welcome to Zach's Blog

After seemingly endless prodding, teasing and thinly veiled condescension from friends and family, my wife and I have finally succumbed to peer pressure and have entered the 21st century. That's right, we are now officially "blogging". Besides, what better way to introduce ourselves to this mysterious and novel medium than through the shameless exploitation of our wonderful little boy, Zachary Winston Williams. Since before he was even born Zach has been a constant source of "oohs" and "aahs" which I have piously and painstakingly documented with my camera. Indeed, you- the common citizen of the Internet, will no longer have to miss out on precious moments such as "Baby's first dirty diaper" or "Baby blows milk out his nose all over mom".

During the first months of his life, Zach has had his photograph taken ad nauseum. I have countless photos of myself, Lesley, friends, family and a few complete strangers holding our son in every possible setting imaginable. There are so many photos in fact, that it would be impractical and maybe even a bit cruel to post them all here. So in order to conserve both available memory and the readers sanity, the plan is to pick a 'small' handful of the best pictures and include a link to my flickr website for those with the fortitude to tackle the rest.

On my son's behalf, I would like to extend my sincerest appreciation and gratitude for your interest in his life. I hope all of you will enjoy watching him grow and develop over the next months and years. I know I will.



Thursday, August 20, 2009

Life lessons my son taught me just this morning

1) I like to totally dork out, at least once, every day. You adults act self conscious even when you're alone.

2) If I love someone, I show them and I don't hold back.

3) If I can't carry it, I don't need it.

4) I always follow my instincts and try not to get in my own way with too much thinking.

5) I'm not ashamed to cry.

6) I ignore what people say and pay attention to what they do.

7) I have the most fun with the cheapest toys

8) I never consider it a waste of time to re-read my favorite book

9) I've identified things in life that make me happy and I am constantly surrounding myself with them

10) Feeling pure joy should never be harder than hugging a blanket.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Watering the garden

As I write this, Zach is deftly displacing 50 gallons of water from the tub in which he is sitting (and likely urinating or perhaps even defecating), to the recently cleaned and once very dry, floor.

Perhaps I should check on him...

Nah, I'm sure he's fine.

Now then, where was I...

Oh yeah, I was about to verbally bitch slap those of you who keep bugging me to post more videos. But now that I listen to the unholy havoc my son is unleashing in the next room, I realize that some stories are better told without words.

That is to say, on very rare and bizarre occasions, all of you can be right and I can be... wrong. Don't let it get to your heads. It was probably just a one time thing.

Anyway, without further ado; A random TWO part video I took this afternoon. (it's too large to post in its entirety- you'll have to navigate back to this page to see the second half after watching the first part. click here for part 1 and click here for part 2)