Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Anyway, for publication I was asked to change the title. I decided to go with a suggestion from one of Lesley's students and thus "The Making of Z-Dub" was born. Enjoy.
"The Making of Z-Dub"
Spermatogenesis occurs within the balls!
Where spermatogonia undergo mitosis on seminiferis walls
On the lumen side, both day and night
Mitosis creates a spermatocyte
Meiosis is needed to create spermatids
But they're still not ready to make kids
For acrosomal caps, bake for 5 weeks (at 96 degrees)
And get flagellar tails for swimming ease
It's now a full grown spermatozoon
Next, mix with semen for proper flowin'
To the seminiferous tubule it goes!
Tis' but the FIRST step to your parenting woes
The Baby Whisperer
Monday, April 14, 2008
Mr. Mom
It's also widely assumed that men can't hack it as hands-on parents. The other day I overheard one mom lamenting her daughter's outfit: "Her father dressed her this morning." As if to imply that it's a miracle he didn't diaper the girls' head.
Honestly, this Stay-At-Home-Dad (what Mothers like to call SAHD) buisness ain't so bad at all. Besides, if I did actually have a job to go back to, I'd just be spending a lot of time prying my cheek off a drool-soaked keyboard and watching the clock wondering how much longer until I got to be reunited with my bed (and wife and kid, of course).
Granted, it's not always flowers and sunshine. The other day my wife and I had a fight that hinged on the finer points of mild vs. medium cheddar cheese, and I behaved like a pathetic, self-absorbed jackass. Try as I might to be Super Benevolent Wonder Dad, a little sleep deprivation always exposes my inner thug.
And by the way: I dressed my son this morning. The white cotton onesie was both physically flattering (by accentuating his fair complexion and broad shoulders) and of ideal weight for his on-the-go summer lifestyle. So any mom who thinks I can't take care of my kid is cordially invited to Bite Me.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Nap time- the new happy hour
Recently, I jokingly suggested to my wife using blatant feigned chivalry, that she get some much needed rest while I take "the late shift" with the baby. She quickly accepted my offer as the words were still leaving my tongue. Clearly, she didn't know I was kidding. But when I pointed out her understandable error, she simply smiled and changed the subject by saying something about owning a gun. Anyway, it appeared my attempt at humor had backfired and I was in for a late night.
I immediately began to prepare for the event. Specifically I started to consume copious amounts of caffeine. Now many of you may or may not know that I don't drink coffee. But I DO drink soda- lots and lots of soda. It was currently 9pm and "the late shift" officially begins at midnight and runs till around 3am. So I had roughly 3 hours to establish an i.v. drip of Pepsi One inserted via catheter into a decent sized vein. Long story short, let me simply say that I drank quite a bit. That is a momentous statement coming from someone such as myself. To put things into perspective, I've been known to drink up to 4 liters of soda in one day. So it is possible (as suggested by my bowels that evening) that I was pushing the Maximum Tolerated Dose.
Once I was feeling properly drugged, I whisked my child up into my arms and told Lesley something along the lines of, "DontworryIvegotitfromhereyoujustrelaxandgotobed". For some reason, she all of a sudden didn't seem to keen on the idea and she suggested that perhaps she should take the boy after all. I gently and calmly reassured her that I had it under control and asked "Whatstheworstthingthatcouldhappen?" With a perplexed look on her face, Lesley acquiesced to my cold, unflappable logic and went to bed.
The following is a brief recap of the events that took place during that shift:
12:00am- Zach is sleeping peacefully. I am confidant in my abilities as a father. I pick up a book and start to read.
12:02- Zach is screaming. I put down the book. He doesn't want to eat. I assume its gas and try to burp him.
12:06- Zach is screaming. It wasn't gas. I'm now considering force feeding him because I'm sure that is what his problem is.
12:07- Zach is screaming. Force feeding only made him more pissed. I attempt to change his diaper, hoping that will shut him up
12:08- Zach is screaming. I knock over his bottle while wiping crap off the walls in between looking for a fresh diaper liner and rubbing my temples.
12:10- Zach is screaming. I change out of my urine soaked shirt and put Zach in a fresh set of Jammies.
12:11- Zach is screaming. Zach immediately barfs as I put him on the shoulder of my clean shirt.
12:14- Zach is screaming. I can hear Zach soil his clean diaper from the other room as I'm changing into a fresh shirt.
12:31- Zach is screaming. I begin to curse Lesley since this is obviously her fault... she probably ate spicy food or something
12:45- Zach is screaming. I try singing to him.
12:46- Zach is screaming. I give up trying to sing because neither of us can hear me anyway.
1:07- Zach is screaming. I begin to have evil thoughts.
1:22- Zach is screaming. I want to shake him like an English Nanny.
1:45- Zach is screaming. He barfs on me again. I am fairly certain it was on purpose. I don't even bother to change shirts now.
2:01- Zach is screaming. I am defeated. I am curled up in the corner humming nursery rhymes to myself.
2:45- Zach is screaming. I am beginning to question my grasp on reality.
3:03- Zach is screaming. Lesley walks into the nursery room to find me curled up in the fetal position in the center of the floor, soaked in barf and what may or may not be my son's urine.
3:04- Zach is sleeping peacefully in his mothers arms. I pick myself up off the floor and tell Lesley that it was a piece of cake and she needs any pointers she knows where to find me
3:05- I fall asleep before my head hits the pillow and lay comatose for 6 hours.
Here is a video I shot just this morning around 5 am just after another visit from the whaambluance.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
The next time I held my son was about 2 weeks later.
I picked him up and was amazed at how heavy he was. I looked down and saw a totally different person in my arms than I expected to be holding. Now, don't get me wrong, my son still clearly possessed my stunning good looks, dashing smile and quick charming wit, but he was somehow different from what I remembered. Specifically, he looked to be about 3 inches longer and he felt about 2 lbs heavier (to be fair, I had held him every day, it's only that it was typically around 3am and I must have been in a sleep induced stupor. But I digest). I felt shocked and surpized at how much my son had covertly grown right under my nose. It was an eerie, surreal sensation, kind of like when you're on vacation in another city and Jeopardy comes on at 7:00 instead of 7:30.
That said, I can't stress enough how valuable it is to have the love and support from friends and family for my son. And not just because they shower him in cool gifts that I get to play with. It truly does take a village to raise a child. Besides, if it wasn't for the unconditional support he gets from everyone (emotional and pecuniary) he'd be pretty much screwed.
Monday, April 7, 2008
By the time Lesley and Zachary were ready to be discharged from the hospital, my brain had been saturated with horror stories of non-stop colic-induced screaming fits, projectile vomit, and crap filled bathtubs. So naturally I began to wonder about hospital protocol and if they had any policy regarding inept parents. I was convinced that they would take one look at us, and (appropriately) tell us that there was no way they could legally allow retards to go home with such precious cargo. Obviously they did allow us to leave, and against our better judgment, we did.
I remember the exact moment the true nature of these words hit me. I was looking down at my son, he had been home for only a few hours. I was changing his diaper, and I believe I was literally covered up to my elbows in crap. That's when he smiled at me. SMILED. AT. ME. Honestly, in that moment my heart stopped beating, lept right out of my body and crawled into this tiny little person laying on the table in front of me. My heart belongs to him and I don't ever want it back.
I've seen this impossible event take place time and time again. My Father-In-Law, John, looked like he had been whacked on the back of his head as all of his vital organs decided to begin living for someone else. My mother (whom has experienced this sensation before) looked no more physically or emotionally fit after her first encounter either. All in all, I've seen him casually and effortlessly take the lives of no less than five unsuspecting innocent people. All of them more than happy to have fallen victim.
Link to Homecoming pics HERE
Sunday, April 6, 2008
click HERE to see photos of labor, delivery and post-partum
The next few videos are of his first feeding and his first bath
The final push to parenthood
I guess I should have Lesley write the entry about pregnancy and Labor since she had the unique privilege of actually being the one who was pregnant. That said, from my point of view the whole ordeal was a piece of cake. Honestly, I can't see what all the commotion is about. It was however a real pain in the butt to have to keep turning up the TV when Lesley was making too much noise while vomiting in the bathroom... God, I've never been so miserable.
Here are some videos of a walk Lesley and I took on her due date trying to to instigate labor