Welcome to Zach's Blog

After seemingly endless prodding, teasing and thinly veiled condescension from friends and family, my wife and I have finally succumbed to peer pressure and have entered the 21st century. That's right, we are now officially "blogging". Besides, what better way to introduce ourselves to this mysterious and novel medium than through the shameless exploitation of our wonderful little boy, Zachary Winston Williams. Since before he was even born Zach has been a constant source of "oohs" and "aahs" which I have piously and painstakingly documented with my camera. Indeed, you- the common citizen of the Internet, will no longer have to miss out on precious moments such as "Baby's first dirty diaper" or "Baby blows milk out his nose all over mom".

During the first months of his life, Zach has had his photograph taken ad nauseum. I have countless photos of myself, Lesley, friends, family and a few complete strangers holding our son in every possible setting imaginable. There are so many photos in fact, that it would be impractical and maybe even a bit cruel to post them all here. So in order to conserve both available memory and the readers sanity, the plan is to pick a 'small' handful of the best pictures and include a link to my flickr website for those with the fortitude to tackle the rest.

On my son's behalf, I would like to extend my sincerest appreciation and gratitude for your interest in his life. I hope all of you will enjoy watching him grow and develop over the next months and years. I know I will.



Tuesday, April 8, 2008


On March 10th I packed three changes of clothes along with my wife, kid and the dog into the family car to embark on what was supposed to be a quick jaunt down to Weed and San Jose. Little did I know that our short trip south would turn into a 21 day epic journey that I won't soon forget. In between non-stop visits from family and friends, a funeral, a life threatening surgery and literally hundreds of diaper changes, I noticed that my kid wasn't as small as he used to be. All I remember is handing this tiny little baby bundle over to Grandma...

The next time I held my son was about 2 weeks later.

I picked him up and was amazed at how heavy he was. I looked down and saw a totally different person in my arms than I expected to be holding. Now, don't get me wrong, my son still clearly possessed my stunning good looks, dashing smile and quick charming wit, but he was somehow different from what I remembered. Specifically, he looked to be about 3 inches longer and he felt about 2 lbs heavier (to be fair, I had held him every day, it's only that it was typically around 3am and I must have been in a sleep induced stupor. But I digest). I felt shocked and surpized at how much my son had covertly grown right under my nose. It was an eerie, surreal sensation, kind of like when you're on vacation in another city and Jeopardy comes on at 7:00 instead of 7:30.

That said, I can't stress enough how valuable it is to have the love and support from friends and family for my son. And not just because they shower him in cool gifts that I get to play with. It truly does take a village to raise a child. Besides, if it wasn't for the unconditional support he gets from everyone (emotional and pecuniary) he'd be pretty much screwed.
link to Easter pics HERE


Unknown said...

Nice job, spanning the menu of word play form "i digest" to pecuniary...You should be remunerated for such effort and style.

Zachary Winston Williams said...

Thanks. I also have a knack for writing grandiloquent amphigories

Unknown said...

Grandiloquent amphigories? Aren't they those big Grecian urns. wsw