Yet later that same day, several of my friends were quick to point out my distinct lack of a tan* while shielding their eyes and shrieking in terror. I indignantly retorted that I had spent almost 8 whole minutes in the sun just a few hours prior with little more than a thin coat of SPF 30. And besides, pasty pale skin is healthy, right? It should be the new trend in "Health Conscious" Southern California any day now, right?
As it turns out, it would seem pioneers of common sense are never understood or appreciated.
Speaking of pioneering, Zachary has had a VERY exciting month filled with all kinds of wondrous achievements. In between moving from Seattle to San Diego he somehow managed to crank out a series of new "first ever" events. Including:
his first steps (backward- assisted by a "ring-a-ding" walker)
his first solid food (mashed potatoes)
and consequently, his first solid turd
Due to circumstances beyond my control (read: poor timing, Devinne intervention and good ol' fashioned laziness), I was unable to document such "personal best" milestones. I did however manage to get some nice shots of him at the park for his first ride in a swing and his first trip to the beach. Here are some pics of his grand day out with me, Lesley and Grandma.
*For those of you living in the North West, I looked up the word tan and found that it is a colloquialism for temporary hyper pigmentation or "browning" of the skin... I know, weird

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