I am writing the following with one hand while bouncing my fussy son on my knee. That said, I would like to apologize in advance for any spelling/grammatical errors or random tangent rantings that may have escaped my notice.
Zachary turned 6 months old yesterday and I know I should be writing some awesome, memorable blog to mark the occasion. However, it seems sleep deprivation has leeched me of all creativity and further loosened my already weak grasp of the English language. Meanwhile, Zach continues to make a mockery of my stamina and needlessly flaunts his superior brainpower and physical prowess. My pathetic attempt to keep up and document his development is laughable. On a daily basis we have a plethora of events that call for witty well written masterpieces (Zach's fans deserve no less) and I promise I'll make a valiant attempt in the near future to write on some of our most recent fiascoes.
To celebrate our son's very merry un-birthday, we took an evening trip to the Wild Animal Park. Perhaps some day, through vigorous application of selective memory filters, Lesley and I will forget the half hour of blood curling screams we suffered through in the car on the way to the park and remember the excursion as very pleasant and worthy of repeating.
Be that as it may, despite the 10 years my wife and I aged over the prior 30 minutes, our moods drastically improved once we got to the park. We practically had the place to ourselves (we arrived 2 hours before closing on a Wednesday) and Zachary seemed to get a kick out of all the new funky looking creatures. He openly gazed at many of the animals with what I can only describe as respect- undoubtedly for their ability to emit odors rivaling those of his own. Here are some pics from our day~
1 comment:
dammit kacy Ive blogged like six times since your last blog. add the widget already and keep me entertained!
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