With the deadly stealth of a ninja, he slithers like a snake behind enemy lines. Completely undetected by his would-be victim.
Using the element of surprise, he launches into a lightning-fast series of strikes.
Like a crazed spider monkey, his onslaught is a flurry of arms, legs, hands and feet that blur with feverish alacrity. This 'Shock and Awe' tactic proves simply too much for the unprepared and defenseless victim to withstand.
After instilling a sense of bowel loosening terror within his prey, he regroups and quickly formulates a second assault.
...a more subtle approach.
Zach skillfully utilizes his charm to lower his victims' defenses, subduing and lulling her into a vulnerable complacency.
He slowly inches ever closer. Closer....
Suddenly, with an earsplitting bestial battle cry, he executes a second fiery attack
Going straight for the Achilles Heel, he looks to quickly end the battle with a devastating finishing move.
What's this? In a shocking and stunning turn of events, Zachary loses stamina and focus at the worst possible moment and falls asleep in mid-attack. In an instant, his inevitable victory is snatched away from him by the jaws defeat.
Devastated, Zachary is left to contemplate his failure.
Thankfully, the victim escaped with only minor injuries and lives to fight another day. Will she be prepared next time? We'll see....
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